Sry for the long hiatus.. It has been 4 months since my 1st post of my 2nd year life.. I guess it's time to update my "so-long-dead" blog..
Well, first of all,

So many happened this past 4 months period.. Very good, good, bad and worse..
And yea.. 2 weeks more to CA2.. It really s*cKs when u have to study instead of enjoying to max during holiday.. What a hectic year..

Verspetine (Dental dinner) 2010
"Flowers and a grass"
My mood for study has been long gone since a day before Christmas.. All my plans for study had fall behind my schedule.. Heck.. Time to reschedule again.. Sigh...
Not to mention that the used to be crowded-and-noisy-like-a-fish-market-cafe had became tranquil.. Calm and quiet..

Anyway, went through another wonderful birthday! Thank you so much everyone! (U know who u r) =]

Handmade Birthday Card! Very very nice o.. =)
Come across a fact :
The less you sleep, you'll get stupid. [But the more u sleep, u'll get stupid no? No time to study what.. xD]
Alright, I'll update my blog soon again..

A good heart is better than all the heads in the world.
It's about time you updated. Keep updating.! (: